A high-quality computing education enables children to apply computational thinking and creativity to understand and influence the world. Through our computing curriculum, we equip children with the skills to connect concepts from mathematics, science, and design and technology, providing insights into both natural and artificial systems. At the heart of computing is computer science, where children learn the principles of information and computation, how digital systems function, and how to apply this knowledge through programming. Building on this foundation, we help children use information technology to create programs, systems, and a variety of digital content. Computing also ensures children become digitally literate – capable of using, expressing themselves through, and developing ideas with information and communication technology – at a level that prepares them for the future workplace and active participation in a digital world.
Developing the young computer programmer at Someries Infant School and Early Childhood Education Centre
During their time at Someries Infant School and Early Childhood Education Centre, children will acquire the following key knowledge, skills and understanding in computing as part of our bespoke computing curriculum.

Early childhood education curriculum milestones
Developing the knowledge and skills I need to be a successful young computer programmer
The progress of pupils accessing our Early Childhood Education Centre is monitored using our unique curriculum milestone objectives to ensure they are suitably prepared with the foundational knowledge, skills and understanding they require to succeed in key stage one.
I notice patterns, including those with strong contrasts and am attracted by patterns resembling the human face and I arrange things in patterns. I also join in and anticipate repeated sound and action patterns
I complete inset puzzles.
I handle books and touch screen technology carefully and the correct way up with growing competence.
I predict, move and rotate objects to fit the space or create the shape I would like and I notice and correct an error in a repeating pattern.
I discuss routes and locations, using words like ‘in front of’ and ‘behind’.
I show my confidence and self-esteem through being outgoing towards people, taking risks and trying new things or new social situations and being able to express my needs and ask adults for help.
I develop digital literacy skills by being able to access, understand and interact with a range of technologies, including use of the internet with adult supervision to find and retrieve information of interest to me.
I create content such as a video recording, stories, and/ or draw a picture on screen.
I use my own ideas to make models of increasing complexity, selecting blocks needed, solving problems and visualising what I will build.
I select, rotate and manipulate shapes in order to develop spatial reasoning skills as well as use spatial language, including following and giving directions, using relative terms and describing what I see from different viewpoints.
I know and talk about the different factors that support my overall health and wellbeing including a sensible amount of screen time.
I share my creations and explain the process I have used.
I explain the reasons for rules, know right from wrong and try to behave accordingly (online safety).
Achieving these milestones throughout my early childhood education will support me in accessing my first steps in key stage one because they provide a foundation for me being able to:
- understand where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies
- create simple programs
- use technology purposefully to create digital content
Key stage one
How children will build on the foundational knowledge, skills and understanding they developed throughout their Early Childhood Education
Throughout key stage one, pupils are taught to understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions. Pupils also learn how to create and debug simple programs and to use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs.
As well as this, pupils learn how to use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content and how to recognise common uses of information technology beyond school.
They learn how to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private and where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.
Code is the language used to instruct computers. All of the technologies we use in our daily lives are made with code – it is simply computer programming and there are a range of different programming languages that can be used.
At Someries Infant School and Early Childhood Education Centre we aim to equip all pupils with the skills they need to enable them to succeed in their next stage of computing education. As such, we place a great deal of emphasis on developing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of coding from a very young age. Through the resources we use below, we ensure that all pupils can write and test simple programmes by the time they leave Someries Infant School. They will also know what algorithms are and how different programmes work.
Throughout our Early Childhood Education Centre, our youngest pupils are introduced to the concept of coding using Cubetto.
Cubetto is a friendly wooden robot that teaches pupils the basics of computer programming through adventure and hands-on play. Cubetto enables our teachers to teach coding without a screen which both increased engagement and enhances learning opportunities. It is also designed to support our pupils to play collaboratively, irrespective of their reading or language ability.
Throughout key stage one we use KUBO as our primary method of developing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of computing and coding. KUBO enables our teachers to break down barriers to teaching coding and allows us to introduce the key concepts of coding in a puzzle-like, hands-on way that does not require computers.