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Thriving at three

Thriving at three!

Early Childhood Education at Nursery


The adults in the nursery create an atmosphere for me to initiate play with my peers and support me in learning to share and take turns. The adults around me will help me understand what is safe, when I should ask for help or what I can try to do by myself. They will help me learn how to play and interact with my friends and know that sometimes things can upset others. They will also give me the courage to take chances in my play and be brave in new situations and when meeting new people.

I will have the choice every day to play in our indoor and outdoor classrooms. I can build, ride bikes, and play pretend cooking in our outdoor classroom. I will learn about the environment and how to look after living things through our natural areas and wildlife pond – the adults around me will encourage me to look up and notice what is around me. I can develop my motor skills and imagination in the nursery by playing in our unique block play room alongside my friends. I have opportunities to experience wonder-evoking workshops connected to our Prime Learning Challenge curriculum and creative exploration in our bespoke Atelier.

The adults around me will give me the confidence to choose my activities by providing all the materials I need. They will show me routines and boundaries, sometimes giving me particular jobs to do. The adults will provide vast opportunities to support my language development by singing, counting songs, rhymes, and reading stories that I can join by reciting some of the text. They will model language, extend my words into sentences, and teach me new vocabulary through experiences and play.

My parents or carers will be involved in my learning by sharing my achievements from home and helping me complete my Being Me at Home Book during each holiday; I will use this to show my friends and teachers what I have been doing with my family. The adults will provide my parents and carers with regular information about my progress and development. They will also be invited into the nursery so I can share my experiences with them.

The adults around me celebrate all of the fantastic things that happen to me now that I am three.