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Leaders make sure that teachers have high-quality professional development. Teachers have the knowledge and expertise needed to teach all subjects confidently and well. Leaders and staff have shared ideas and visions which are put into action every day and in every lesson. Leaders and governors make sure that staff are supported with their workload and well-being.


Ofsted, November 2022

Our commitment to safer recruitment

We put children and learners’ wellbeing at the heart of everything we do and, therefore, do all we can to ensure those who work for us share our commitment. This is reflected in our rigorous recruitment processes and pre-employment checks.

We select the best candidates through good, thorough recruitment practice, ensuring equality of opportunity and deterring, or rejecting, those who may not be suitable to work at Someries Infant School and Early Childhood Education Centre.

All roles require the following:

  • Your identity must be confirmed by sight of original official documents such as a Birth Certificate and photographic identification such as a Passport.
  • Original documents relating to all professional qualifications required to fulfil the post must be supplied.
  • Full employment and education history since leaving secondary education must be provided. The selection panel will scrutinise all gaps in employment and education history to ensure there are no causes for concern.
  • We will request a minimum of two references covering at least the last three years. The identity of all referees will be verified, and they will be asked to comment on your suitability for the role you are applying for.
  • We reserve the right to take account of your presence in both public and social media in our selection decisions.
  • We will ask you to provide details of any criminal history as appropriate. Guidance will always be provided in your application to help you understand what you must declare and when.
  • The panel will probe your values and motivation for working at Someries Infant School and Early Childhood Education Centre throughout the selection process, including an interview.


At all stages, the information you provide us with will be treated in confidence and in complete accordance with legal requirements. For all roles which require a Disclosure and Barring Service check, this will be clearly outlined in the job specification.

You do not have to consent to these checks. However, if consent is withheld or revoked at any stage, we will be unable to proceed with your application.

All employees at Someries Infant School and Early Childhood Education Centre are expected to understand their duties and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding children. For those successful in joining Someries Infant School and Early Childhood Education Centre, this is continually assessed through probation and day-to-day performance management. All employees must undertake child protection and safeguarding training as required and at least annually.

You can learn more about our approach to safeguarding by reading our child protection and safeguarding policy which is available here.

Equality, diversity and inclusion statement

Equality, diversity, and inclusion requires a strong commitment and concerted action to build an inclusive environment where opportunities are open to all, diversity is valued, and where everybody can reach their full potential without fear of harassment (including sexual harassment), prejudice or discrimination. Every person in our school community has a responsibility for making our environment inclusive where all members of our community feel welcome and are able to be themselves.

Our work to embed equality, diversity and inclusion is anchored in the duties as applied to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010 that require us to have due regard to:

  • Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment) and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
  • Advancing equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
  • Fostering good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.


It is the general expectation that all members of staff, including others who may be working on behalf of the school, will behave in an acceptable manner – treating others with courtesy, respect and consideration – and conducting themselves professionally when interacting with members of the school community. Unacceptable behaviour including bullying, harassment (including sexual harassment) and victimisation or discrimination – including but not limited to the protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 – will not be tolerated and any allegations will be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately under the relevant procedures.

Employee benefits

Someries Infant School and Early Childhood Education Centre values its staff and knows they make a difference to our school and pupils.

Some of our employee benefits include:

  • Employee Assistance Programme
  • Health Cash Plan
  • Free refreshments
  • Free lunch
  • Subsidised childcare in our wraparound care provision
  • Excellent induction and CPD opportunities, including access to the full range of National Professional Qualifications
  • Experienced support for Early Career Teachers
  • Career progression opportunities and routes

Current vacancies