Assessing pupils' progress is an integral part of teaching and learning at Someries Infant School and Early Childhood Education Centre
A broad and established range of assessment strategies and approaches are used by staff to identify the next steps in learning and to monitor the progress pupils are making. Assessment is about informed observation, the monitoring of work produced by pupils and effective questioning which enables us to record what both they can do and what they need to do next.
Children engage regularly in self-assessment at an age-appropriate level so that they can explain what they have done well and how they can improve their work.
All pupils attending the school are assessed in line with statutory requirements. An early years foundation stage profile is completed at the end of the Reception year and statutory national curriculum tests are administered during May in Year Two.
A statutory phonics screening check also takes place in June in Year One.
Assessment information is shared with parents and carers at each consultation event and through an annual pupil attainment and progress report sent to parents and carers at the end of the academic year.
Marking and feedback
Marking, feedback and assessment lie at the heart of our process of promoting pupils’ learning
Marking and feedback provide a framework within which educational objectives may be set and pupils’ progress expressed and monitored. We believe this should be done in partnership with pupils as much as possible. Marking, feedback and assessment are incorporated systematically into teaching strategies in order to identify any misconceptions and monitor progress. We believe that effective marking, feedback and assessment provide information to improve teaching and learning.